The Kingdom of Romania was a rather young country restored to an ancient people. The Romanians declared independence from the Turkish Ottoman Empire in 1877 under the leadership of Prince Carol, a German royal from the Catholic branch of the Prussian Royal Family, the house of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen. As King Carol I he not only secured the independence of Romania in a difficult and hotly contested region but also made the country admired and respected internationally when so many in the rest of the world tended to look down on the Balkan nations as somehow less civilized than Western Europe. The country soon went through a brutal trial by fire in World War I. King Carol I had never forgotten his roots and his relatives who were, by then, the Imperial Family of the united Germany, though certainly no one could question his loyalty to his adopted country, but his successor, King Ferdinand I, was entirely Romanian. Although he remained Catholic his children were raised in the dominant Romanian Orthodox faith and when the Allies promised Romania the region of Transylvania from the Kingdom of Hungary, he led his nation into war. It was a brutal experience for the young country.

Romania was forced to deal with the rise of extremist politics which followed World War I and the economic disasters which broke out around the world and caused many to believe that all the liberal democracy the Allies had preached was not all it had cracked up to be. As an additional challenge though, Romania was hard pressed for leadership as scandal shook the royal family. The heir to the throne, Prince Carol, was earning an unsavory reputation across Europe by his numerous affairs and playboy lifestyle. Confidence in him descended to such a level that when King Ferdinand began to deteriorate rapidly a council of regency made the infant Prince Michael, rather than his father Prince Carol, regent of Romania. Prince Michael, born in 1921 and named after the fighting archangel and Prince Michael the Brave, was to be the guiding force in Romania during his young adulthood in the greatest trials his country was to face.
On July 20, 1927 King Ferdinand died and young Michael became King of Romania under the guidance of a Council of Regency which exercised power on his behalf. King Mihai I of Romania, a son of the House of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen (Catholic branch of the German Imperial Family) has been called by some, "the best head-of-state the country never had". In looking back on his early life, King Mihai seems to have fallen prey to the Chinese curse 'may you live in interesting times'. Those close to the king uniformly say he has consistently held the best interests of his people close to his heart since even his earliest years. For this, his people adored him, as well as for his almost legendary honesty and personal integrity.
The King was born on November 25, 1921 and named Mihai (Michael) after the saintly archangel and in honor of Prince Michael the Brave. His father caused a great deal of problems for his family, and even as a man in reflection, King Mihai has never been able to explain his father's behavior. A council of regency declared the 5-year-old Prince Mihai regent when his father was missing from Bucharest and his grandfather, King Ferdinand, was in declining health. On July 20, 1927 the old monarch died and his grandson became King Mihai I of Romania. Even at that young age he was described as intelligent and serious. He was reigning with a Council of Regency acting on his behalf when his father, Prince Carol, attempted a coup d'etat but was arrested in Britain by Scotland Yard. In 1930 the Peasant Party invited him to come take the throne. He returned to Romania at which time, over some strong objection, his son was 'deposed' and he became King Carol II.

However, the political & military masters in Bucharest intended the 19-year-old king to be only a symbolic figure and gave him orders as if it was he who was their servant. The King of Romania had no idea his nation had invaded the USSR until it was announced on the BBC. The ministers distrusted the young monarch who was flawlessly devoted to his people and his royal duties and who displayed, with his mother, sympathy for the Allies by speaking English constantly. His high morality would not permitt him to go along with Nazi-backed efforts to persecute the Jewish population though there were limits to what he could do to help. Finally, King Mihai was able to enlist the support he needed to end the pro-Axis government ruling Romania. He sent peace emmissaries to the Allies (dangerous considering the stance of his government) but was met only with silence. In fact, the Allies had already agreed to turn Romania over to the USSR, in return for Greece, who were claiming Eastern Europe for future conquest.
The Gestapo was aware of some of the king's activities but dismissed him because of his youth. They were unpleasantly surprised when in 1944 the young King successfully led a coup d'etat against the pro-Nazi government. He arrested the former dictator and his collaborationist officials in quick order. He then went on the radio and announced the end of the war against Russia, the Nazi alliance and a return to democracy for Romania. The people went wild with joy at this seemingly miraculous turn of events. The Nazis responded by bombing the Royal Palace but the King had already evacuated. Romania had been saved from dictatorship and from going down with Nazi Germany, by an upright monarch and a few officials who had continued to keep loyalty to king and country first in their hearts. Faithfulness had proven mightier than tyranny.

May God restore the legitimate government of Romania in the person of the King, and may Rumanians realise that their treason is an appalling crime.
ReplyDeleteThis is a good post, but in the context of 1944-45, it is hard to see what could have been done by the western Allies for King Michael and Romania. The military defeat of the German armies, and the real military power of the Soviet Union, on the spot, ensured that, whatever happened, Romania would fall into the Soviet orbit.
ReplyDeletePoland and Hungary were in similar case. Austria was just saved from the Soviet clutches, Czechoslovakia almost so, but it's hard to see what more could have been done without a war that the Soviets knew very well the west would not fight.
The more-or-less inevitability of what happened makes it no less tragic.
The odds would certainly be in favor of the Soviets but I'm not willing to let the west off the hook. FDR was positively gaga over Stalin and way too submissive. They could have insisted on restoring the pre-war governments and, worse come to worse, they could have adopted General Patton's threat to use the Germans to help beat the Bolsheviks back into Russia -and maybe wipe them out entirely from there.
ReplyDeleteIndeed FDR was very foolish with regards to Eastern Europe. He overruled Churchill on several occasions, convinced that he could control Stalin and keep Eastern Europe free.
ReplyDeleteOf course, he couldn't exactly do that when he was do, so yeah. Guess he shared in the modern god complex of putting the interests of other nations ahead of his own.
Also, the Russians had suffered horrendous losses during WWII, suffering fully a third of the total 60 million-odd deaths that the war ultimately caused. Their manpower was severely depleted, and had war broken out with the West then and there, Stalin would have struggled, to say the least.
Not only the german dinasty did great things for Romania but also the greek and albanian dinasties that ruled the romanian principalities of Wallahia and Moldavia(from the begining of 1700s).Although in the communist times were slandered by the communist propaganda, we discover after the revolution that they were very important for promoting of western values in principalities and the kingdom of Romania. Princely families like Ghika, Cantacuzino, Stirbey, Mavrocordat, Racovita, Sutu, Caradjea, Sturdza and others did very much as princes and also for the Kingdom of Romania as diplomats, politicians and men of culture. Most known abroad from Romania were Monsenior Prince Vladimir Ghika (who died in communist prisons in 1954 because he refused to renounce at religion-he was beatificat in 2013 by the Vatican for his sacrifice), prince Barbu Stirbey (traveler, politician,he introduced the first plant for cotton and bandages in Romania, also the wine made in his domains is very known even today), Prince Constantin Cantacuzino (the romanian flying ace of WW2) etc. Also the local princes are also remembered for the great things they did. You mention Vlad III Dracul and Michael the Brave but they're also Stefan the Great, Matei Basarab ( a man of culture), Radu Serban, Dimitrie Cantemir (fought alongsite Peter the Great against Ottoman empire but they lost and fled to Russia where he became a great writer and humanist-he's still remebered today by the russians), Constantin Brancoveanu (who introduced for a short while Iluminism in Wallahia, also the only romanian to have been also Prince of Holly Roman Empire, he and his sons died beheaded in Istanbul -the sultan offered them pardon if they accept islam at which Brancoveanu declined and prefered to die as a Christian- The HRE title was inherited by a brother and became extinct in 1835), Ioan the Brave, Alexandru Lapusneanu, Alexandru Ioan Cuza( who united the Romanian Principalities in 1859) etc.
ReplyDeleteI may add that although in the West the rumanian rulers were called princes, actually (even if they were vassals to Ottoman empire) they were more like autocrat kings (like the Tzars of Russia) and even Louis XIV will have been jealous.