The last five all at once have done it for me; "Anonymous" comments will no longer be accepted. It doesn't matter much to me other than the fact that there were occasionally good ones but most I immediately deleted anyway. There have been a few painfully obvious trolls at work, one at least I do have to salute for being a persistent little SOB, going on very lengthy rants against the Manchu dynasty anytime China was even mentioned in a post despite the fact that most were out of place and immediately deleted. I also get very tired of those who pretend to be regular readers thinking that their criticism will somehow "hurt" more -even though it is blatantly obvious that they are not. No one who is in any way hostile toward monarchy or a fan of republicans could possibly be a regular reader...unless they are a masochist or something I guess. This is a blog by a monarchist for monarchists to (hopefully) enjoy. If some open-minded republicans happen to read it and be converted -great, but I have no desire to deal with devoted republicans/revolutionaries/assorted leftists. If you're a republican, democrat, revolutionary, socialist, communist etc there are plenty of other places where you will be welcome and can in comfort congratulate yourselves on destroying human civilization. You will not be happy here and I have no desire to hear you cry about how disturbing you find my little corner of the internet. However, that being said, I am sure this will not totally be "the end". I've never actually posted my email address but plenty have been able to figure it out and send me fan mail pretty consistently, and that's fine. I do rather enjoy hearing them howl when they are pricked and it is so easy considering that they seem to be a rather thin-skinned, humorless lot. For all actual readers, followers, members & subscribers I do hope you enjoy the posts and will continue on with me as long as these old bones hold me up.
Keep it Royal!
Hear, hear! Well spoken, Mad Monarchist.
ReplyDeleteWhoever thought a poet like Anonymous would write such bosh!
ReplyDeleteEveryone has an opinion, some publish them on the internet.
ReplyDeleteI remain as ever your loyal subscriber, and although I am slightly upset at having to sign up for a service to partake in this community, it is a small price to pay in order to be amongst such excellent individuals.
ReplyDeleteI also do not understand the thinking of people who seek out opinions that upset them. I see much that upsets me which is usually about the division of the country and I do not read that stuff because I do not agree with them and it only will make me angry. Why others cannot do the same?
ReplyDeleteI sometimes seek out opinions that upset me, partly in order to see the kinds of things that are being said on the other side, and to think how one might argue in response to them. But that is different from seeking out contrary views simply in order to spew spiteful venom at perfect strangers, a phenomenon that baffles me.
ReplyDeleteNow, a random question, somewhat off topic: MM, have you considered doing a consort profile on Queen Maria Carolina of Naples? She was a very interesting, determined and passionate character.
If you mean Maria Carolina of Naples, later of France, I have done. If you mean Maria Carolina of Austria who was later of Naples I have not, but you're right that would be a good choice.
ReplyDeleteYes, I did mean the latter.
ReplyDeleteok it isnt matter Mad Monarchist i will keep reading your great post.
ReplyDeleteHi from a mad monarchist from argentina
Another royalty blog I follow had to do this (http://lux-arazzi.blogspot.com/) and what I shared with her (the other secrets are worth checking out):
ReplyDeleteThe Secrets Of Successful Blogging, Vol. 1:
8. Don’t allow anonymous comments
Source: http://inothernews.tumblr.com/post/3169285255/the-secrets-of-successful-blogging-vol-1
Thanks for hanging in there (to all who are). I keep up with the Luxembougers as well and saw that post -thought about doing the same at the time but put it off and then, as I said, got a whole bunch at once and just finally had enough.
ReplyDeleteI went a little farther though, I'm not deleting the anyonmous comments, I've re-set the blog so as not to accept them at all. Again, not something I wanted to do but with some of the "veteran" trolls they really learned how to get around my "rules" and I decided I'm just not going to sort through which go and which stay. I think it's more fair this way too.
Although I have been following this blog (and enjoying it) for quite some time, I have just joined today and am not entirely sure as to what is going on. Trolls? How very distasteful. The word itself turns ones stomach. However one must brush them aside and carry on. Which is what I am sure you intend to do. For this I am thankful.
ReplyDeleteBest Regards,
God Save the Queen
Have you thought about putting together another one of your "love letter" posts? I've really enjoyed them in the past.
ReplyDeleteOn a somewhat related note, I wonder how trolls and/or leftists of various sorts found your blog? Monarchists are not exactly the top of the list for trolling targets (that would probably be furries and people with accounts on DeviantART). As for people who are really leftists . . . I am fairly certain you can't find this blog (or, indeed, most other monarchist sites) without intentionally searching for monarchist-relate media. It is highly unlikely they just stumbled upon this blog and were horrified by the deeply offensive and benighted opinions contained within. ;)
I havn't had much lately -perhaps they are catching on to the fact that they are not causing me any anguish and are simply being laughed at. I've also wondered about what brings them here. As you say, they obviously go looking and that's something I can't understand. I'm not so masochistic as to go looking for left-wing, revolutionary, commie blogs to get outraged over so it baffles me that others would. Though, some, as I said, just have a particular ax to grind. Like clockwork, any time I mentioned Communist China I could rely on getting a very long tirade against the Qing Empire. They must troll the internet constantly looking for anything critical of the PRC or favorable towards the imperial era, Manchuria, the Mongols or Tibetans.