As I wrote several years ago in The Case for Monarchy: Germany, the restoration of the monarchy would be at least a big part of the answer. Now, I realize many will (as they have done before) accuse me of being a hammer who sees every problem as a nail, but I really can come up with no other option that would save the German people from the demographic drowning their republican leaders have subjected them to. The Germans must, absolutely *must* get out from under the shadow of Nazi Germany and World War II. That is positively never going to happen in the current system because the current republic only exists because of Nazi Germany. Let me be perfectly blunt about this: the Federal Republic of Germany is not a government or a country or a nation, it is essentially a political apology. It exists only to serve as a vehicle for guilt, shame and to continuously milk the German people like they were no more than cattle in order to give money and resources to non-Germans. Patriotism is considered evil, national pride is evil, even considering the German people worthy of survival is now being considered evil. You shouldn't have to know as many mental health experts as I have to know this is not a healthy mindset for a people and is, in fact, quite dangerous. If you don't care about the suicide of the German nation, you should, because sometimes suicides take others with them when they go.
What do I mean by that? I mean that people are being pushed into a corner where they are going to wonder who, who in all of Germany's existence, ever put the Germans first, and they're going to see nothing but the scowling face of Hitler looking back at them. It isn't true of course, but it certainly seems that way due to the unnatural fascination with the man. He haunts Germany and he won't go away because his memory is far too useful as a way of shaming people into submission. And, of course, his handful of modern-day admirers don't mind at all either for it makes them seem to be the only alternative, as if modern Germany is simply seething with National Socialism just below the surface. When a regime that is in the process of destroying its own population says that Hitler is still 'Public Enemy #1' that can only help Hitler's public perception. Moreover, the Federal Republic is repeating almost all of the mistakes of the Weimar Republic that led to the Nazis taking power. Communists can agitate all they like but Nazis are arrested. Speak out against any group you like, except for the Jews, that can land you in jail. Celebrate perversity, ruin the traditional family, there are so many things Germany is doing today that it did in the 1920's that it is almost frightening. And, on top of it all, as long as Hitler remains the ultimate bogeyman, the elites are, in so many words, constantly telling the people that their only choice is them or the Nazis and when "them" means no more Germans in Germany, the Nazi's won't seem so bad.
This circular pattern must be broken! Another alternative must be put forward and that can only happen by the Germans being reconnected with their traditional, pre-1918 past. Not a past of guilt and shame but a past they can take pride in, a past that is pro-German and not anti-anyone else. There is plenty there to work with and would not require anything all that radical to accomplish. Again, I am not trying to be so partisan about this, but I see no other solution. The Weimar Republic existed as a vehicle for reparations for World War I and was doomed to fail. That failure manifested itself with the rise of National Socialism as a reaction to this and the same thing will happen again in reaction to the vehicle for the World War II guilt cudgel that is the current republic. A healthy national pride can only be achieved by embracing the totality of German history, the organic development of Germany as manifested in the First German Empire, the German Confederation that replaced it at the Congress of Vienna and finally the Second German Empire. That second empire, as we know, came together through the German princes which would be extremely difficult at this point but the example of the German Confederation would be a workable model that could, I think, be easily modified for current circumstances.
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A possibility? |
All of this can be accomplished if the Germans can get back in touch with their ancient roots. The Germans have a long and glorious history of great kings, great thinkers, great saints and great artists. It only serves the interests of those in power now to pretend as though nothing of German history can be seen beyond the concentration camps. I am certain that every German today, whether they like it or not, knows who Adolf Hitler is. I doubt every German today knows who Otto the Great or Friedrich Barbarossa was -and that is scandalous. That is intentional. That must change and change quickly or the Germans will not survive. And for those whose mindless hatred might make them think that would be no great loss, be forewarned that the death throes of the German people could leave quite a lot of devastation behind. Western European nations have displayed something of a habit of this, be it the French in regards to the British or the British in regards to the Germans themselves, that once their blood is thoroughly up they will willingly rush headlong into ruin so long as they can take their enemy down with them. That wouldn't be pretty and no rational person should ever want such a thing to happen. Let us take care that it does not.
Not to be confused, I'm 100% For Monarchy and anti-Republican. But really, MM, You really think that the above is a realistic deal? There is no even a political party in Germany that calls for the restoration of the Monarchy. You only got the Neo-Nazis, and maybe the AFD but they're also Republicans.
ReplyDeleteIf you have a better, more realistic solution, I'd be glad to hear it. True, there are no specifically monarchist parties but that is why I pointed to the confederation model rather than the second empire model, no princes are required to make it happen. The states can restore their monarchies each in their own time, hopefully asap but the point is that not everyone has to agree at the same time. As the social changes recommended happen, restorations will become inevitable.
DeleteAnd besides, if no one tried anything unrealistic, a peasant bandit wouldn't have become the first Ming Emperor of China, a damp, foggy island in the North Sea wouldn't have ruled a quarter of the world and an illiterate, teenage girl wouldn't have crowned a king of France.
This is why I love your site so much. Pure idealism and hope.
DeletePersonally I hope that the Neo-Nazis of the National Democratic Party of Germany will be more Conservative and Christian. They seem opposed to abortion and gay rights and their Neo-Nazism seems watered down mixed with Conservatism and the legacy of the German National People`s Party who were very much Monarchist. Perhaps they and AFD can lead Germany to a more constructive form of Neo-Nazism that can eventually ease a return to Monarchism. The Neo-Nazis in Spain generally ally with the Francoists, Falangists and Carlists. Let`s hope the German Neo-Nazis will embrace the NDVP legacy.
It really is sad how Germany is defined and ruled entirely by recent history, as if the entire people sprang into existence hell bent on destruction and murder in 1939. God forbid anyone mention any of the good things that Germany did/has done, without some sort of caveat about the awful things it did. The masochistic German government continues to rumble on, and it looks like there will be no let up anytime soon.
ReplyDeleteBetter to have a collection of principalities IMHO. The modern era seems obsessed with mega-states and conglomerations of regions. Let each region embrace their own culture through localism. You can't offer an alternative to globalism while painting with the same palette.
ReplyDeleteThe dialectic between socialism (coupled with enforced multiculturalism) vs. fascism is tiresome. Politics always seems to be game of false alternatives, positioning of the goal posts, and a 'democratic' free kick.
I like your dogged pursuit of monarchist ideals. Others do the same with their political theories. It is not identifying every problem as a nail for hammering. I see it as focused advocacy, something monarchism is sorely lacking.
What you, MM, say, is perfectly true and sounds great. But from my experience I can say, it will not happen. Most people either approve of the current developments, or they simply ignore/deny the threat. Some people wake up when they are personally affected, i.e. attacked, robbed or raped by our “new citizens” (the media really uses that term, although they are only asylum seekers), but in many cases not even that seems enough. For example, several women spoke out in the papers that they were molested, but they would not press charges, because that would lead to “prejudice” against “refugees”. And in some outdoor pools they distribute rub on tattoos to girls that say “don’t touch me”… Not even the recent terrorist attacks here in Bavaria seem to bother anyone. I can’t imagine that the Syrian, Iraqi or Afghan society would tolerate being treated like that by foreigners. Ultimately it seems to be true that every people will get the government it deserves, and obviously Germany deserves Merkel. The only way I see is a radical change of politics that is forced upon Germany from outside (it will never come from within) like the collapse of the EU (with Brexit being the first step) or a huge economic crisis (just think of the Italian and even German banks).
ReplyDeleteBravo MM! You can apply this very astute observation not just to Germany but other countries as well (and I'm sure you have). As a person who repairs broken things for a living, I see something like entropy at work here, where the repair task of the equipment takes far more effort to fix than what took to break it in the first place. However, restoring a society that what was once ruled by people who PRAYED to God rather than PLAYED God would be worth the effort and expense.
ReplyDeleteI find it absolutely disgusting and despicable that there are Western politicians willing to allow this to happen to their country. Europeans are literally the ONLY group who are accused of being evil or committing atrocities or acts of violence. Leftists will never condemn any violent acts carried out by arabs, blacks or asians because it's not "progressive" to do so. The individuals in Germany who are allowing and encouraging this invasion of their country are nothing less than treasonous. I think the Germans even beat the English as far as peoples that are self hating and ashamed of their past, as well as being continually demonized as cruel, vicious monsters who have never done anything good other than being evil racists. I even heard a liberal friend of mine tell me that the English deserve to be bred out of existence as revenge for the crimes of the British empire. How is this thinking not evil?
ReplyDeleteOn a side note, MadMonarchist I was wondering if you've ever seen or possibly heard of this new film out in Germany called "Look whose back". It's apparently a comedy film made by German liberals showing what it would be like if Hitler returned in the 21st century. As you would expect, alot of it is framed to portray patriotism as being like the nazis. The thing that surprised me though is I read online that there are unscripted scenes in it, and the actor who played Hitler said that many people in Germany were happy to see him. To me it seems that leftists almost want nazism to rise again in the country, to make them look good in comparison and to tar anyone who opposes immigration as a nazi. What are your thoughts on this?
A friend of mine (the AlbertaRoyalist who had contributed a few articles here) told me about the movie and I agree with you, the left wants to see Nazis everywhere to the point where I have wondered if some of these blatant neo-Nazi types might actually be clowning for the left because one thing practically everyone on earth agrees on is that the Nazis were the most evil people in the history of the world so it serves their purposes very well to say, the only options are us or the Nazis, knowing that the vast majority of your average, decent people are never going to go for the Nazis.
DeleteThat is why I think it is important for people from European countries (and countries founded and populated by European-descended people) be very disciplined in sticking to the position of not being anti-this or that group of people but simply being pro-their own people. Your average person, I think, would have to agree that simply wanting your people and your culture to survive is not hateful.
Interesting, I just wrote a post on a similar subject: (I translated a book on 1912 Germany) and somebody directed me here. No monarchy in my post but I strongly agree on the need to put an end to this meshing of Germany I with Germany II in people's minds when they think of the world wars, as if one were anything like the other.
ReplyDeleteJust out of curiosity, what sort of emperor do you think Kronprinz Wilhelm would have been?
Yes, and this is not helped by the ban on Nazi symbols which has caused many Nazi sympathizers to use flags & symbols from the Kaiserreich as a substitute.
DeleteAs for Kronprinz Wilhelm, I think he would have made a good kaiser, both for his virtues as well as his faults. He was very conservative but also had a contrarian streak, he thought WW1 was stupid (correct) was actually a good army commander, though he rarely gets credit for it, was right about Versailles and despite the claims that he was pro-Nazi, he was actually much more astute, recognizing some potential there but never buying into the regime and keeping in touch with resistance forces. He wasn't a bad guy.
I have family living in Germany and they have told me firsthand that it's worse than reported in the world press. Not allover but in the large cities and getting worse- spreading. The world as a whole seems to be in change and not always for the better.