A happy St Patrick's Day to one and all. In the United States it is, of course, the St Patrick's Day parade in New York which has been the biggest, best known and at times most controversial. What very few know (other than monarchists, I'm sure you all know this already) is that the first ever parade in New York City honoring St Patrick was actually held by Irish troops wearing the red coat of King George in 1766. Ireland can be a curious place for monarchists. Go up north and you will find what seems to be (and often is) the most staunchly monarchist people in the world. Their only problem is the presence in their midst of those so wrapped up in their own past rivalries that they hate their "enemies" more than they love their monarch. On the other side of the border, quite to the contrary, you will find one of the most staunchly republican populations in the world; zealous enough in their devotion to "the republic" as to rival even France and the United States. However, I've never met an Irishman who wasn't a republican yet who was not also very proud to tell me which Irish king he is descended from. Surely there was never a country so heavily populated by republicans of royal blood.

A Happy St Patrick's Day to all (and my apologies if the above flag looks a little crude but I really prefer the Irish-American flag to the republican tricolor, just a matter of taste).
Those interested can view some past posts and comments concerning Ireland here.
A Happy Saint Patrick’s Day to all myself.
ReplyDeleteLet is pray for the Intervention of the Great Saint in restoring Irish Culture, Dignity, and Grace, restore them to the Faith, and bring them to deliverance from the Lies of Modernism.
Happy St.Patrick's day to you as well MadMonarchist. Although truthfully I am not happy during this holiday as I should have every right to be, for rather obvious reasons.
ReplyDeleteI can understand that, though as someone recently reminded me, a quick look at Japan is enough to remind the rest of us how much worse things could be.
ReplyDeleteMany happy returns Mad Monarchist. Just one thing the flag you are displaying is a republican flag. This flag was used by Irish republicans in the states before the 1916 rising. The flag for Ireland is simply the Maid of Erin Harp with or without a crown but definitely without the cap of liberty .
ReplyDeleteI am well aware of that and as I'm sure everyone is aware, Ireland is a republic so their symbols would tend to reflect that, certainly the flag of Irish-Americans would. As far as I know, when Ireland was ruled by their own monarchy they had no flags. Of the current designs used to represent Irish communities I prefer the flag above to the green-white-orange tricolor which to me seems more secular and revolutionary in style than a phrygian cap I doubt many would even recognize.
ReplyDeleteI consider that the only and rightfull monarch of ireland is Queen Elizabeth II, not a High King because i believe in the principle of the that the former monarchies should be restored but in the new monarchies then the people have the right to choose his own King/Emperor.
ReplyDeleteIt is true the south Irish are the most republican people in the world, but there are a few neounionist in ireland and i believe that ulster is british not irish.
Hi from Argentina.
A belated Happy St. Patrick's Day to you, as well! God's blessings go with you!
ReplyDeleteA pleasant post - and many belated good wishes to you for the Saint's day.
ReplyDeleteI would take a little issue with the presentation of fervent northern monarchists and rabid southern republicans. In my experience, the republicanism of most Irish people north and south acts more as a convenient cypher for a profound allegiance to Irish Gaelic tradition and national being, while northern loyalism is covenantal, being conditional upon the protection of the rights and standing in Ireland of the children of the Reformation.
In truth, the springs of tradition still run deep in this island, despite the long sustained dressage of corrupting modernity. And where there is tradition, there is kingship.
As for crazy talk? Ha...you would feel very welcome here, as crazy talk is something we Irish value. After all, the idea of liberty for any portion of our island territory - in any form or guise - was crazy talk for many centuries. And my compatriot, Servent, and I are already acting 'mar amadáin' as we prepare the soil of our native land for the regeneration of a civilisation.
(And given the utter degradation that I witnessed on the streets of Dublin yesterday, it is quite a task that lies ahead of us...)
Finally, contrary to my Argentine fellow poster, I politely affirm that the rightful monarch of Éire is not and never shall be Queen Elizabeth, nor any of her successors. Although I wish the House of Windsor well in maintaining its position on the island of Britain...or at least, south of Scotland..
What I said reflects those Irishmen (and women) I have met myself. Republicanism is the sacred cow and monarchy is a dirty word. Likewise, as I said, for the north, the Unionists are mostly, officially, monarchist but I have also seen some of them turn on the Queen whenever she shows the slightest kindness toward Catholics or even the Republic, showing that their loyalty to the Crown comes second to their own prejudices.
ReplyDeleteI hope native monarchism can be rekindled on the island. As I have pointed out before to ardent Irish republicans who despise the British, simply being a republic is an admission that Britain succeeded in changing Ireland into something it had never been. If Irish republicans wanted to really make a statement they would go back to the old kingdoms and High Kingship and act as if the whole era of British rule never happened.
Certainly, and the course of action you suggest is precisely the one that I would hope to persuade my compatriots to follow.
ReplyDeleteAfter all - even if times arise when steel must answer steel - often the most appropriate and best response to an act of destruction is an act of creation. It's certainly more productive than despising anyone.
As you point out, the rekindling of a native monarchism could be such an act.
And when I think of the high esteem and affection felt (even by self-avowed republicans) for aristocrats like Aodh Ó Néill, or Aodh Rua Ó Domhnaill...I feel..well, not hope - but a grim determination to honour their memory and (as you so well put it) plot counter-revolution and the restoration of our particular Old Order.
I try, on many national cases, in dealing with republicans, to use their own prejudices against them. I don't think, in the case of Ireland, there is much doubt that the prejudice against monarchy comes from the preeminence in the national mind of the British monarchy. They don't like the British, they associate monarchy with Britain and hence don't like monarchy. So, I put it to them this way: don't let the British win. If you are upset that British forces overthrew the Irish kings and drove out the Irish nobility (with many heroes among them), then show your defiance by bringing them back. Show the world that they were not successful, that you will un-do the wrongs that were done. Do not admit defeat by leaving things the way your enemy left them, put it all back. The British, naturally, would probably not like the use of that tactic but I have used the same one in arguing with British republicans. Britain fought against the American Revolution and the French Revolution -so don't embrace republicanism or you are admitting that the French and the Americans were right all along! If your enemy is prejudiced, use their prejudice against them.
ReplyDeleteAnd again, it seems a terrible shame for Ireland to be a republic when virtually every Irishman is descended from royalty. All those I've met anyway ;-)