However, when World War I erupted Louis did not hesitate to rush to re-enlist in the French army and his father could hardly protest. With the rank of captain of cavalry he was first posted to the 5th Army commanded by General Louis Francet d'Esperey. Only a week after his arrival he was sent to the Marne, seeing some of the most fierce and bloody fights of the war. Later he served as a liason officer and with the artillery and saw action against the Germans in the exposed sectors of La Pompelle, Sillery and Berry au Bac. He fought in numerous battles and his superiors had nothing but praise for Prince Louis who displayed great courage and a tremendous devotion to duty. During a fierce German attack he rescued several comrades while under heavy enemy fire and was awarded the War Cross with Palm Branch for his bravery. In uniform, facing the enemy he was in his element and won numerous decorations and promotions. He was elevated to brigadier-general and later major-general and awarded the Grand Cross of the Legion of Honor. He was also later awarded the highest distinction given to officers in the field; the Military Medal.
One of his most emotional (at least by his standards) letters home was telling his father Albert I of inspecting the damage done by the Germans to the family estate at Marchais, much of which was destroyed in the fighting or looted or burned deliberately. Louis had many childhood memories of the place and the destruction there was particularly painful to him but only added to his determination to see the war through to a successful conclusion. Once that day came in 1918 Louis chose to stay on with the French army as a liason officer at Metz. In fact, were he free to choose he probably would have rather remained a general than become Sovereign Prince of Monaco but that could never be. Nonetheless, Louis II was justly proud of his distinguished service and kept a portrait of himself in his uniform and medals in each of his offices. He also began the impression collection of Napoleonic memrobilia, enlarged by his grandson and successor, now on display at the Princely Palace Museum.
Louis II became Sovereign Prince of Monaco in 1922 and reigned until 1949 when he was succeeded by his grandson HSH Prince Rainier III.
Those who say that royals are good for nothing but sitting in palaces and living off the fat of the land should remember careers such as that of this Prince.
ReplyDeleteTrue, and whereas military service is expected in most monarchies that is very much not the case with the children of politicians who enjoy all the benefits of a powerful elite parent but none of the responsibilities or scrutiny that fall on the offspring of royals. Louis' letter to his father telling him of his intention to re-enlist was quite noble, citing his comradship with his fellow cadets at St Cyr and how he could not let them face the danger alone. He was one of them and felt honor bound to stand with them in the face of danger.