I have often said in the past that I think, overall, the world is in a pretty dark place these days and that coincides quite significantly with the decline of monarchy across the globe. However, perhaps it has been hitting closer to home lately but I have become ever more distressed, irritated and increasingly radical in my views and dispositions. We are at or are fast approaching the point of critical mass for western civilization. Eastern civilization is all but gone already, it went with the Chinese Revolution of 1911 and the post-war period of de-colonization (believe it or not) so that traces of true eastern civilization only linger on in isolated places like Japan, Thailand or tiny Bhutan (and I said “linger” -tradition no longer dominates in any of them) . The internationalists have the world firmly in their grip and with the United States circling the drain, western civilization is going the same way. Of course, all monarchists know that the USA was never a pure example of western civilization, it has never had any of the high culture of Europe but that is to be expected as it is a branch rather than the tree itself. The case of the United States is one of starting out in a lower position but which did better than most in maintaining that position while the rest of the west plummeted much faster.

This may require more explanation than I have time here to detail and I can already hear the internet-outrage boiling up but, as I have pointed out to the America-bashers before, the fact is that there is not a monarchy in the world that does not directly or indirectly depend on the United States for its security. Like it or not, that is the fact of the matter and I at least am very concerned about the toppling of the United States even as a monarchist as there is practically no monarchy in the world that has chosen to use the blanket of security that America provides to build up its own strength in preparation to stand alone. That worries me. The fact is that there is practically no existing monarchy that really matters on the world stage these days. Not that many countries of any sort really do anymore. The fate of the United States is a concern even if for no other reason than that the United States still matters. As a monarchist I am concerned because there is no monarchy left that really matters anymore. That also makes me worry for western civilization as there is not a single country in Europe that really matters anymore. Russia still matters but then Russia, to many people, is not a “European” country.
Russians would be wise to ignore the sizeable community of communist traitors in their midst who are nostalgic for the “good old days” of the Soviet Union when they were a superpower. Russia is actually much stronger in many ways today than it ever was as the Soviet Union (neither have ever been as strong as Imperial Russia was at its peak under the first Nicholas). The mistakes Russia has made today are major ones that I think may have already doomed them but it is nothing like the multitude of smaller mistakes that the Soviets made on a daily basis. Putin himself is responsible for the best and the worst of what Russia is doing today. He has, at least, given Russia a chance to survive though he had to metaphorically make a deal with the devil in terms of foreign policy to do it, the Russians have a chance to take what they have been given and change direction. Putin being one of those rare leaders today who actually does, I think, want his nation to survive and be significant, has given Russia the time to have that chance to do the right thing. All depends on what the Russians do with their opportunity. If they carry on they are doomed but if they use the time Putin has purchased for them to restore the monarchy, revive traditional Russian culture and change direction on the world stage they can not only survive but become immensely successful and possibly go on to save a great many others. However, admitting that changes will need to be made will be difficult so we shall have to wait and see on that score.

Regardless of that though, the heart of western civilization and the monarchies that once guarded that are in Europe and, as I said, no European country matters anymore. Thanks to the European Union, no country matters and the continent as a whole does not matter. Those pushing the EU have always liked to talk about how there is “strength” in their unity but it should be obvious to all by now that this is a sick charade. The leaders of the EU have emasculated the countries of Europe to empower their central EU government while also making sure that Europe itself is never significant again. They are all part of the same internationalist clique. They don’t want any European country to be great because that would detract from the European Union and they don’t really want Europe to be great because they have nothing but contempt for European culture, European history and western civilization in general. Some actively want to destroy it while others are just looking out for themselves and willingly go along with those who do want to destroy it to further their own interests. Europe is being eradicated and this certainly matters and is of concern to me because that means the surviving monarchies of Europe (and those other lands that share a crown with them) will be eradicated too and those that have already fallen will have no country to be restored to.
The internationalist, revolutionary clique has taken hold of the continent and almost every country (like most of the rest of the world) is either a republic or, even if still a monarchy, has been gripped by the republican mentality. Europe is being wiped out on every level. It is being wiped out spiritually, the churches are empty and church leaders care more about “social justice” than salvation. It is being wiped out economically, Greece is just the canary in the coal mine, virtually every country is on track to go the same way. It is being wiped out demographically, native Europeans have all but stopped reproducing while the birthrate of non-Europeans is healthy and boosted by continued non-European immigration (whether legal or illegal) into the continent so that native, ancestral Europeans being wiped out in a human tidal wave of foreign cultures, peoples and religions becomes a mathematical certainty. If you think it cannot happen, go look for some Algonquians, Manchurians or Egyptians (not the Arabs, but the original folks who built the Sphinx) and then get back to me. I would say Europe is being wiped out militarily but that has pretty much already happened. After cutting their own throats in two world wars the Europeans have found that socialism is expensive. After World War II, European countries found that they could not afford both an empire and a welfare state, more recently they have learned that they cannot even afford “free” healthcare and pretty much any sort of military at all. Britain is a heart-breaking example for no matter who is in power in Westminster, the NHS just gets bigger and the royal armed forces just get smaller and smaller.

Right now, by way of that farce known as NATO, these countries depend on the United States to defend them. Similarly, they depend on Russia (and soon Iran) for their energy because the ruling elite have got so many people to buy into the “global warming” hoax and refrain from using the energy that is right under their feet. Dependencies, by their very nature, do not matter -the countries they depend on matter. Russia is happy to provide Europe energy of course, but as the Russians are not complete idiots, it comes at a price and we have already seen how uncomfortable the EU is when paying that price clashes with their own desire to expand and keep their continental Ponzi scheme afloat for a little while longer. As for depending on the United States for security, I doubt anyone who saw recently the White House bathed in rainbow colors to celebrate the imposition of gay “marriage” on the country is standing in fearful awe of the American giant anymore. The countries that do matter in the world probably rolled their eyes and had a good chuckle at that ridiculous spectacle.
So, what is to become of Europe? What is to become of the heartland of western civilization? Well, as usual, there are only two options. Either Europe continues on its present course and grows weaker and weaker until it dies completely or else it takes radical action to change direction. If it chooses to die, then it is gone and none of this matters at all anymore. Monarchy will not survive, the changes in succession laws prove that, because monarchy runs counter to the revolutionary “values” of the EU elites. If Europe dies and monarchy survives it will be monarchies that are raised up after the EU has collapsed, representing totally different peoples with totally different religions, languages and cultures. If that death does not happen, however, monarchists such as ourselves are still not in the free and clear. The EU, as stated, is firmly in the grip of the internationalist elite right now and one of the problems is that they have forbidden any reasonable debate on their position. There is a nationalist counter-movement forming across Europe in many countries but because the traditionalists are shunned or forbidden to speak or equated with the lunatic fringe when they do, the crazy club has more often than not become the only alternative many people see. These people are not monarchists though they will, for the sake of history, tradition and so on, refrain from attacking monarchs so long as those monarchs do not oppose them.

This is the danger that I see: traditionalists are blacklisted, reasonable debate is not allowed and so the only people speaking against the established system are often the unreasonable people and in many instances themselves rather unsavory and frightening organizations. Some are a bit more mainstream, like the Front National in France, but they are intensely vilified and certainly not ardent monarchists or royalists. I hear from people all the time who are being, effectively, pushed into the radical camp because they see no other alternative and because they see less and less stigma attached to being labeled “far-right” since that label is applied to virtually anyone who opposes the EU ruling class such as Geert Wilders, Joerg Haider, Jean-Marie Le Pen and Matteo Salvini among others even if they hold many decidedly non-right wing views on numerous issues and none of them are monarchists (even Wilders in the Netherlands has been very critical of the Dutch monarchy which is generally very popular). So, in short, if Europeans decide they do not want to die, I fear their only option will be to join up with some fairly extremist elements (more extreme than those above). If that happens, I do worry about what will become of the surviving monarchies in Europe.
Even among those that are not particularly anti-royalist in their views, I worry that, as things grow worse and if European peoples finally feel compelled to make such a choice, they may view their royals as part of the problem rather than the solution. After all, for all the talk of monarchs being non-political and non-partisan, what they usually mean is that a monarch is not allowed to be politically “right”, traditional, conservative or to advocate for their own position. Everyone knows perfectly well that monarchs and royals are allowed and even encouraged and celebrated to take political positions and champion certain causes so long as they are ones which the internationalist elite approves of. Things like reaching out to religious groups (provided they are not Christian), racial or sexual minorities, environmentalism or calling for something meaningless but grandly benevolent sounding like “sustainability” is all perfectly fine. Anything, however, that could be considered in any way “right-wing” is certainly not. Additionally, royals have all been brought up in this particular environment and through no fault of their own have often been taught to think a certain way. I happen to think that the current way leads to ruin and if the peoples of Europe one day decide they would rather not be ruined, I am increasingly concerned as to whether or not the remaining royals will be able to “abandon ship” before they are dragged down as well.

The micro-monarchies like Monaco and Liechtenstein have the least cause for worry. Luxembourg also seems relatively safe, though not as secure as the smaller ones. Spain seemed very secure not so long ago but today I do worry about the Spanish monarchy very much. The royals are doing their best to just do what is expected of them to remain popular but if there is a change in direction it remains to be seen which way they would choose to go. The Falange-types have been gaining a little more strength lately and while Franco was a monarchist, the Falange never was and I don’t think any great number of those that go with this crowd are royalists. Belgium gives me cause for concern though it has long been teetering on the brink. Even if the country stays together, the royals have, like most of their countrymen at the present time, taken a very pro-EU stance and if that starts to go it could mean trouble for them. The Netherlands is also very much a cause for concern to me, despite how popular the Dutch monarchy is at the present time. With those who have already shown themselves to be less than devoted to the House of Orange and the new, more ‘egalitarian’ style favored by King Willem-Alexander, I worry that they may find themselves on the wrong side of the line if things turn around.
Of the larger monarchies, the one that worries me the least is the venerable Kingdom of Denmark. As the oldest monarchy in the western world, it has the deepest roots, remains very popular and the current Queen has shown herself to be someone less than enthusiastic about many of the changes that have happened in Europe. The Crown Prince is popular and seems to be taking care to not go too far in any direction so that I think Denmark is relatively safe. Norway, on the other hand, is one that concerns me a great deal. I would expect no problems while King Harald V lives but the next generation worries me a great deal. The Crown Prince and Princess have done it all from promoting man-made global warming in Greenland (despite coming from a country in which oil production is very important) to promoting the cause of transvestites in Nepal, there is scarcely a “progressive” cause they have not taken up. It also doesn’t seem to have won them any fans on the left as members of the Labor Party have, since 2012, started joining with the Socialist Left to support abolishing the monarchy. If there is a major shift in Norway in the future, I could easily see the monarchy being viewed in a very negative way by those who would come to power.

For Sweden, I think the problem is more deeply imbedded. The King is not exactly wildly popular at the moment but Crown Princess Victoria is and most seem to content to wait for her to have her turn. However, Sweden has gone so dramatically to the left that it is hard to see how the monarchy, even purely ceremonial as it is, can survive in a country whose “values” are so diametrically opposed to it. Just as an illustration of where Sweden is, I recall when Obama was elected President of the United States, seeing a Swedish republican advertisement featuring an African actor wearing the King’s uniform accompanied by a short article basically saying that Sweden needed to get rid of the monarchy so that they could have a Black head of state some day. What exactly that would accomplish, I don’t know but I think that illustrates the mindset. The British would seem to be in a better position and I do not think there is any immediate threat, however, there is still plenty of cause for concern. The latest changes to the succession, again, I think demonstrate how there is going to be an inevitable clash between the values of egalitarianism and the institution of monarchy. I don’t see how it is avoidable. In the case of Britain, I think the Prince of Wales has been more astute than he is often given credit for, championing causes associated with both the left and the right at various times. The problem is that I don’t think that is how he is perceived. I think he is perceived more as the British version of Al Gore who thinks the sky is falling and wants to have an inter-faith coronation. It’s not true but I think that is the image in the popular mind.
I have no fear for Britain as long as the Queen lives but I think when the sad day comes that Her Majesty is called to her eternal reward there could be trouble in Britain and I am almost certain there will be trouble in numerous Commonwealth Realms. Charles may not be given a chance and even if he were to cut his own reign short in favor of William (in the manner of the King Juan Carlos of Spain) it would only be a temporary fix as making the monarchy a popularity contest can last only until you have someone unpopular who is unwilling to abdicate. However, for Britain, the royals themselves are not the primary cause for concern that I have but just the overall direction the country has been going in with the new succession law, the abolition of the House of Lords (in all but name and it could be gone in name as well in the future) and regionalism breaking up the country into insignificant mini-states that will have to be forever dependent on some larger power.

All of that being said, these are, as stated, causes of concern for me and not causes for panic. I can still hold out hope that if such a shift in public opinion occurs, the royals of Europe will manage to get out in front of it and save themselves from potential disaster. I can also only hope that the public takes on a more pro-monarchy mentality that allows for a more Japanese-like attitude that, regardless of what the royals say or do, those outside the halls of power today simply assume that the royals really agree with them and will recognize their status as being sacrosanct. There is also the possibility that no change at all in Europe occurs and everything just carries on in the direction it is currently going to its inevitable conclusion. As for most of my opinions above, I am willing to concede that I may be wrong. However, that the current path will not lead to disaster is not one of them. Everything compels me to believe that I am not wrong on that score. If you have any thoughts on the subject, feel free to share them.