
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Black History Month

February is "Black History Month" (in the United States at least) and I thought it an appropriate time to highlight some of the topics we have discussed so far relating to Black African royals and royalists. Of course, for more coverage; comments on historic dates, videos and so on, you can click on the Africa and Haiti labels at the bottom of this post. More will be coming this month but, for the moment, here are some of what we have talked about so far:

Colonel Tye, Black loyalist leader in the American Revolution

King Mutesa II of Buganda, better known as "King Freddie" of Uganda

Emperor Menelik II of Ethiopia, the victor of Adowa

King Ovonramwen of Benin, leader of one of Africa's oldest nations

Queen Masenate of Lesotho, one of the most respected female royals in Africa

King Mutara III of Rwanda, a man who tried to avert disaster


  1. I might have to write about someone for Black History Month, so thanks for the list!

    Also, I am not allowed into the smoking room. Do I need some kind of permission or password?

    1. You are welcome. As I've said before the "smoking room" is not monarchy related and open only to those I know personally (who I know won't be offended by anything I say) where I post things that I've gotten in trouble for posting here in the past. Again, there's nothing there monarchy related and few readers here would probably find anything there to be of interest. It's basically for items which experience has shown me most regular readers of this blog either wouldn't care about or would be upset by, so don't think you're missing out on anything.

  2. They had a Black History "Month" in France (really only three days) where they invited some Black Panther people to come talk in an open forum. Sigh.

    1. Gracious. I didn't even know there were Black Panthers in France. Who would they get for "White History Month", the Ku Klux Klan? Of course I'm being silly, having a White History Month would be incredibly racist...

  3. Great post as aways!
    Do you accept suggestions for other posts?I would like to read about Maria Lepoldina(Empress consort of Brazil) and Hedvig Elisabeth Charlotte(Queen consort of Sweden and Norway).That would be great,if you can.
    Keep up the good work!

    1. I accept suggestions but not requests, I get too many and in the end no one is happy. I'm sure I will get to those eventually, probably Empress Maria Leopoldina first. I actually thought I had already covered her, but upon looking I see not, so I will try to get to that sooner rather than later.

  4. MM, I can't believe you posted this. Don't you know that all monarchies are racist?

    /sarcasm off

    Actually, this is a great post, it's always fun to read a bit about a part of history that you don't know much about.
