
Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Well, This Happened...

So, I have been "missing" for a while, at least from these pages and I wanted to give anyone who by some miracle is still checking in here after nearly two months, an update on what has been going on. One day, out of the blue, my internet simply stopped working. I live in a very (VERY) remote area and getting something done about this, particularly during the Christmas/New Year period, proved practically impossible. Around the same time my primary computer went a little funny, which did not help. I was left only able to access social media via my phone when, once again, I was suspended from Facebook for posting something "offensive" (though of course the minions of Zuckerberg would not explain precisely what that was) and decided to stop having a Facebook page even after my suspension ended since I was simply fed up with not knowing what might get me thrown off the platform altogether. The internet age we live in is one of "out of sight, out of mind" so as the weeks went by I began to doubt that if things ever got up and running again I would have any audience left.

Then, after just about giving up entirely, earlier this very evening I turned on my machine just to play some music and found, by some miracle, the internet was working again. This may not last I must warn you. No one has come here and "fixed" anything, it just suddenly started working and may just as suddenly stop, I have no way of knowing as I never knew what was wrong in the first place. I have had plenty of things I would have liked to write about it you can be sure but I do not think anything will be forthcoming immediately. I am trying to keep this short simply so as to get some word out before my internet goes out again as it did before. I had just (as in yesterday) about resigned myself to this little side-job being over and done with and I now have to reconsider that, see how many have remained in spite of the long, unexplained absence and also to simply see if this connection is going to hold for long or not. My thanks to all of those who sent messages of support, as you can imagine there was rather a pile-up of comments so I probably won't be able to get back to responding to all of them but I have seen them and appreciate those of you who were concerned.

We will just have to see how things go, and before I am suddenly cut off again, I will say "until next time" (hopefully),
I am and shall remain,
               ...The Mad Monarchist


  1. Honestly, those reading your articles are probably not going to drop you that quickly.

  2. I'm so thankful for this update. No joke, I checked on this blog every day for an update, that's how much I read your work. I thought the worst thing happened, that you got sick or hurt or something. I hope your internet gets fixed very soon and am very happy to hear you're still fine.

    1. I've been sick since day one, as for the internet, if I can get something more reliable I'd like to, which would require another pause but we'll have to see what happens.

  3. Hey MM, was worried youd died or something, glad to hear thats not the case! I dont know how many of us decided to stick around, but regardless you should keep going, rebuild if necessary. True monarchists are few and far between. Even if were just shouting into the void, each and every time we do we move a step closer to restorations around the globe. Caesar never gave in at Pharsalus so you cant give up now. Youve got at least one loyal reader here. More will follow.
    A friend always.
    - The Revolutionary Conservative

    1. Well, during my absence I do now have my name on a headstone in the family plot, which is an odd experience. I'm one of the last but still lingering.

  4. I still check your blog regularly, MM. I was somewhat concerned by your absence myself but reassured when I checked your Twitter account and found signs of activity. I hope you get things back up and running soon, I enjoy your posts even if I don't necessarily comment on them often (or always agree with your points of view).

    1. I appreciate that and don't feel bad for not always agreeing with me. You can't be right all the time... ;-)

  5. I certainly hope that you decide to continue your work. Your writings are the main reason I am a monarchist and I check in on your blog and social media regularly. If you retire, it will be a great loss, as your presence has been proof positive that monarchism has life and is a viable movement for people seeking to improve their society.

  6. Welcome home. And to think I thought you had decided to call it a career. Where was my faith?

    If you are looking for ideas, Baldwin IV is always intriguing. But so are most of your other topics.....most of them. :)

    1. He is which is why I've done two posts on him already. I'm not sure what more I could do that wouldn't just be gushing as he is one of my all-time favorites and one of the cases that I think proves the reality of God.

    2. I found those posts after I posted this. That will teach me to search first next time.

  7. I'm curious. And this is not meant as an attacking comment in any way. But with monarchies, especially absolutist monarchies, you get Elizibeth I, and Kaiser Wilhelm II. You get wildly fluctuating policies, stupid leaders, (Stupid to an extent they couldn't get elected dogcatcher in any sane way) and (look at Spain) inefecutal bufoons. Sure, sometimes you get Elizabeth I. But most of the time you get Mary and Charles I. How does this advance ANYONE, other than the monarch's family?

    1. If Kaiser Wilhelm II is an example of one of the "stupid leaders" it is you who must do the explaining. During his reign Germany had the third largest empire, the second largest navy, the leading European economy, German was the most widely studied foreign language in other countries, I could go on. It was in every way the picture of a highly successful country until the blunder of 1914 and in that the Kaiser tried to avoid the disaster but simply was not obeyed and when it came time to vote on the war the opposition Social Democrats voted in favor of it too. The French had a president instead of a monarch and it didn't save them from the Great War so obviously an elected head of state was not the deciding factor there. Imperial Germany was an objectively successful country under Kaiser Wilhelm II but, obviously, if, according to your criteria, elected leaders have been consistently brilliant, I can only be baffled and know that nothing I can say will change your mind.

  8. Good to know you are back! I'm one of those who checked on the blog every day for an update, don't worry, your audience will never left such an unique content.

  9. Glad to see you're back. For a time, I thought you died until I saw activities on your twitter account

  10. Welcome back and I look forward to reading more from you during this the last full year of the Heisei era and the sixty-seventh year of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II's reign (2018).

  11. I am glad to see you back..I have never commented but, have avidly read and enjoyed your blog.

  12. Whew, your back. I was afraid some revolutionaries had found you and cured you of your madness and made you a "fine, upstanding Citizen". Lol. About your audience, you will always have us die hard fans following you (I was regularly checking for a new post these two months).

    Please keep up the good work and don't ever go sane on us.

    God bless

  13. Glad to have you back sir. Been reading for years.

  14. Glad to see you back sir, long time reader first time commenter. Just wanted to thank you for your awesome blog. To me monarchies represent history and they are well represented here. Just wanted to take some time from the backwoods of NC and say God Bless you and your family sincerely a hillbilly monarchist lol

  15. Glad to read you are "OK"! |

    Looking forward to some excellent posts.


  16. I really love your work and would love for you to continue doing what you do, but naturally it is up to you.
    I am also considering starting to blog about monarchism but I have no clue where to start. Any suggestions?

    Also (hopefully) welcome back!

  17. Mad Monarchist, I am very pleased that you are open to continuing your work here. After the kerfuffle on Twitter, I was worried that you would hang it up for good. Certainly I've said before that not only are you the foremost advocate for monarchism on the internet, but you also have among the keenest historical understandings I've encountered, and not just of Western society. Your commentaries on current affairs make this broad understanding very evident and are some of but few commentaries from a traditional perspective that I've encountered. Much of the information you've shared on all the forums you've used have helped me prepare history lessons for my young students, sent me down certain tangents of study, and even changed my mind on some issues. Though this work must be taxing, I am sure, your retirement would make the internet a much poorer place.

  18. You are one of four people (sites) that I check on the internet. Please keep fighting the good fight.

  19. Good to have you back (hope it lasts!). Grateful that you are well and it was not a health crisis.

  20. Count me in as one who hopes you will be around. Your five part Romanov essay should be required reading in schools so thank you for taking the side of what is right in the world.
