
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

No More Off Topic Tuesdays?

Don't like a change of pace & tone once a week? Absent any unforseen outpouring of support I have just about decided to call a halt to Off Topic Tuesday. I still have less time than I would like these days so I cannot promise anymore posts that would require me to look stuff up first but can easily go back to posting old royal postcards or videos on the days when I have nothing more substantial available. No one seems to particularly like the off-topic posts and some really hate them (or my opinion on the subjects in question at least) so I'm leaning toward scrapping them. I have set up another side blog that will be purely personal, fully opinions on this that or the other for my own venting and the amusement of those already familiar with the workings of my damaged mind, odd tastes and warped sense of humor. So, if that is acceptable, that is how things will go. If anyone is curious as to what the rest of the current OTT 2 or 3 part mini-series was to cover, leave a comment and I'll name them, otherwise I've probably wasted enough time on the subject. -MM


  1. Actually I thoroughly enjoyed your off topic Tuesday postings. Granted I didnt comment much but I dont comment often even on regular posts, but I sure as hell read them. But even so a personal blog site for opinions would probably work best for the like, I have thought of doing much the same myself for my opinion on media culture in today's world.

  2. I for one like "Off-Topic Tuesdays." it has nothing to do with whether or not I agree. Sometimes I do, sometimes I do not. But I find your posts interesting and thought-provoking.

    I don't know that I would go to another purely personal blog. I only have so much time for blog reading.

    But one way or the other, I wish you well and encourage you to get those opinions out there!

  3. I'm glad to hear that as the one I have set up is, as I said, for my own need to rant on non-royal subjects for myself and those I know personally. It would be closed to the public -with my record most probably isn't fit for the public anyway.

    I am glad you find them interesting, agree or disagree. Someone else reacted as though it was purely a time problem, and it isn't that as most of the Off-Topic items are matters of my own opinion and take no time at all to write. What takes time I don't have (and annoys me to boot) is dealing with those who enjoy arguing over matters of taste or pure opinion. I don't see the sense in that and probably never will.

    I'm glad some have liked them but so far the consesus seems to be that taking them elsewhere would be best.

  4. I liked Off Topic Tuesdays a lot, for what it's worth. And I must say I respect your consistency in regular posting, a trait I certainly have not displayed. If you decide not to continue with them, that's fine, I'll have nothing to complain about, but I sure wouldn't have been the one to suggest it and I enjoyed pretty much all of them in the past.

  5. What were the other two thing you were about to cover?

    Also, I appreciate your Off Topic Tuesdays. It shows you are a human, unlike the leftist bloggers that seem to rant all day. I have heard you have problems in the head, but those others seem to be devils in disguise. :P

    If you are running out of monarchist things to write, I won't get mad if you write less.

    PS: Have you already set up that side blog?

  6. The other film(s) were "Requiem for a Dream", which I already wrote and possibly "A Clockwork Orange" which I have not. After that, the next OT-subject I had on the agenda was concerning "gay marriage" and the persecution complex. I have set up the other blog but so far it has nothing (no posts anyway) on it that this one doesn't. And I'm not running out of monarchist things to write (yet) it's just that it takes a bit longer to deal with facts rather than just spouting off your opinion on something you feel strongly about.

  7. I've enjoyed the off-topic posts and make sure to check over here on Tuesdays.

  8. I enjoyed reading them, though I can imagine that keeping with your daily schedule is difficult (I can barely manage the little I post out of my own slothfulness). I will definitely be interested in reading a separate blog for that sort of thing though.
    Also, I like your new title banner thing. Very bold.

  9. I vote to keep them. I enjoy them, even if I don't always post to them.

  10. Well I wouldn't mind if you wrote about issues like "gay marriage" and the persecution complex on here. I would like to see a bit more of that actually. Better to see issues like that addressed by a monarchist than the mainstream media.

  11. And there's some things I feel like saying whether anyone minds or not and I don't want to have to worry whether or not if anyone minds if I talk about this, that or the other thing. As far as monarchy goes, everyone knows what they are getting into here with that. Other than that, as much as I appreciate what most have said on this post, it seems ever more clear to me that I should keep my views on other subjects to myself and close friends (who know how to take me already).

  12. You probably hate me at least a little for my reaction to your Jerry Sandusky-themed Off Topic Tuesday, but I actually really like them. I've actually been meaning to comment to you that I thought you should write an Off Topic Tuesday post about the new Hungarian Constitution, which has proven to be controversial in a way that I'm sure you would approve of pretty wholeheartedly (maybe not though). Of course, the Hungarian Constitution thing isn't entirely off the topic of monarchy (considering some of the things they wrote into the preamble)...

  13. That is a pity as I liked Off-topic Tuesdays. I would be interested in hearing your opinion on those topics (particularly regarding A Clockwork Orange).
