
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Republic Day in Portugal

Today is the day that the Portuguese (at least those with whom we are not in sympathy) celebrate “Republic Day”, the day on which the first Portuguese Republic was declared following the unjust overthrow of HM King Manuel II. And yet, never was it more clear that there is nothing at all worth celebrating about the republic. It breaks my heart as I have long been very partial to the nation of Portugal, ever since as a boy I read about the trail of Portuguese culture left around in the world in National Geographic magazine by intrepid Portuguese explorers from Brazil to Africa to India to China and even Japan. It also helped having a cousin (by marriage) who is Portuguese and a very great lady she is. At no time in my lifetime has it been more clear that the Portuguese deserve better than what republicanism has delivered to them and at no time has it been more clear what an abject failure the republic has been in Portugal. The case for monarchy could not be clearer.

It seems so simple. The Kingdom of Portugal was one of the great powers, even more one of the great powers of the world than of Europe. The Kingdom of Portugal was wealthy, prosperous and advanced. The Kingdom of Portugal was on the cutting edge of science, technology, exploration and discovery. Yet, at the same time, it was a country of strong values, proud families and devoted faith. It was with good reason that the Supreme Pontiff awarded the monarchs of Portugal the title of “Most Faithful King”. It was the Kingdom of Portugal that established the first global, maritime empire while it was left to the republic to see this great work of centuries crumble. Even when Portuguese power was on the decline, they still proved to have the potential for resurgence such as in the war against Napoleonic France in which the British military genius the Duke of Wellington, commander of the Allied forces, described the Portuguese troops proudly as his “fighting gamecocks”. Under the monarchy the Portuguese had been explorers, colonizers, merchants, trailblazers, innovators and global leaders in astronomy, cartography and navigation. Under the republic the Portuguese have known only decline.

The Republic has presided over the depths of Portuguese history, seeing the country become one of the poorest in Europe. Their leveling nonsense robbed the productive and hard working to reward the unproductive until the entire nation was brought low and there were fewer and fewer left to rob. Now the robber government is becoming the beggar government, looking for the monstrous European Union to bail them out and keep their corrupt, theft-base government from toppling over and dragging the country down with them. Friends, Romans and compatriots, this should not be so! History has shown what Portugal is capable of and the disaster the republic presides over today is certainly not it! When it comes to greatness and prosperity, the Portuguese nation did it once and they can do it again but we must look to the record to see what were the conditions which allowed that to happen. The conditions of Portugal at the peak of her golden age was a monarchy with a population devoted to their king and country and grounded in the values of a deep and shared faith.

Let not the suffering of the current generation be in vain! Portugal must not repeat the same mistakes and continue the same failed methods that brought this proud country to such a low position. Rather, inspiration should be taken from the golden age of greatness when the country was guided by their “Most Faithful” Kings. Return to what worked and reject what has brought only ruin and discord. Let us resolve that this should be the LAST Republic Day for Portugal and the start of a new era of national rejuvenation, starting with a royal restoration. Death to the Republic! Long live the Duke of Braganza! Dom Duarte III for King!!!


  1. Monarchy vs Republic video relating to Portugal:

  2. What about Salazar?
    Since there was no Portuguese Civil War between nationalists and republicans (read communists), I would think you hold a different view concerning Salazar than you do of Franco.

  3. Another victim of the republican revolutions? This has got to stop. They are the ones with the oldest oceanic empire of the world, correct? And Brasil was part of their empire too! Manuel II looks like a cool guy actually... all these good guys are the ones getting deposed :/

    If Spain got their restoration, maybe... just maybe their Iberian neighbour will as well! Let's hope for the best.

  4. I'm not totally down on Salazar, he fought the communists and tried to preserve the empire so he's better than most politicians in my book. He said he would have preferred to be prime minister to an absolute monarch but of course he didn't restore the monarchy like Franco did. Now, I'm not sure about this, (remember that, *not sure*) but I think Dom Duarte may have played a part in that. If he had been more supportive of Salazar things might have gone differently but as it happened he annoyed alot of people in the government. Salazar may have felt the heir-to-the-throne to be a little ungrateful then considering it was his regime that allowed them to come home, participate in society, join the military etc.

    Juan Carlos, whether he was sincere or not, at least made Franco believe he was on his side and supported him. Dom Duarte did not do that with Salazar. It may have been just as well since the corporatist regime fell apart pretty quickly after Salazar's death but, given how often he claimed to be a monarchist, perhaps if he had decided to 'go along to get along' Salazar might have done for Portugal what Franco had done for Spain. Who knows?

  5. Dear Mr Monarchist,

    I am enjoying your blog immensely and here I am again, emboldened to give my opinion on this topic!

    Salazar was not a monarchist but a nationalist. The greater part of the monarchist movement was very much against him and were not afraid to show it. It is true that the party in power (the only party allowed by law) had a very large contingent of monarchists from the more "traditionalist" wing of the movement. It is also true that in 1950/1 the issue of a restauration of the monarchy was placed on the table as a solution for Portugal. The Government was divided down the middle on the question, but Salazar rejected it. Being a nationalist and fiercely patriotic, as well a humane ruler, he repealed the laws of banishment but was careful to keep the Royal Family away from the seat of power (physically) and went as far as to establish (unconstitutionally) a foundation to "safeguard" the many assets of the House of Braganza, effectively nationalising the lands and other assets which should have been inherited by Dom Duarte. The Royal Family was forced to live off the hand-outs from monarchist supporters. In Spain, Juan Carlos's father was (like Dom Duarte) openly hostile to Franco's regime.
