
Thursday, July 28, 2011

Hurrah - Justice is Served

Just a quick note to give every monarchist something to smile about today. This is the 217th anniversary of the day Maximilien Robespierre the revolutionary, regicide, mass-murderer and all-around hate-filled republican hypocrit got a taste of his own poison as he was sent to the "national razor" by his own terrified comrades. Madame Guillotine never did better service. Long live the King!


  1. And let's not forget he had the best of company for his journey to final judgement, with his equal in petty, bloodthirsty tyranny, Louis Antoine de Saint-Just also being dispatched. Good work, albeit in the worst of times!

  2. There are those who think no one should rejoice in the death of anyone, no matter how terrible a person they might have been......but I'm not one of those people! In fact, the demise of certain individuals, such as Robespierre or that brute Marat, make me positively joyful.

  3. Remembering such occasions as these makes me beam to think my first name is Charlotte :) (though I was not named for the Lady Corday)

  4. A name I always associate with loveliness anyway, today for the fair member of the Casiraghi Trio and in history for our beloved Empress Carlota. A fine name.

  5. They were thinking of naming a street after him in Paris... A proposal that has always been rejected, so there's that!

  6. They do have Entrecote Robbespierre, a nice version of sliced steak, named after him though. French humor can be unsavory.

  7. I wouldn't say this was justice; more like the revolution eating its own children. As always.

    Justice would've been served if Louis XVII would have given out the kingly order to execute these traitors on a marketplace!

  8. A murder was put to death -not by the proper authorities it is true, but he got what he deserved just the same.
