
Tuesday, February 2, 2016

So, Here's What Happened...

No, as anyone who is on Twitter knows, I did not drop dead several months ago. I was, however, unable to access my blog or anything other than what I could do on my mobile. What happened was a series of problems. First, and the one period of my absence for which I am responsible, after a period of growing frustration I decided to take some time off to cool down. I had growing concerns about what I was doing, which increasingly seemed ineffective or totally counter to what I was trying to do based on the feedback that I was getting. During that time I never came to any final decision about what I was going to do but, whatever had happened, I certainly planned to inform everyone. However, that was not possible due to a very frightening family problem.

One morning my mother's heart stopped and she took a very nasty fall, hitting her face on something quite hard. Her heart did start again, on its own, but she could not get up and no one was around to help her. She had to stay there on the floor until my father got home who immediately came and got me to help get her off the floor and into a chair. After persuading her to go the hospital to get checked out we learned that my mother has a very serious heart condition and that if such an episode happened again we would almost certainly lose her. This was, as you can imagine, a very difficult period to get through and we have yet to obtain any real resolution. Once that happened, everything else had to take second place as our family pulled together to help mom who was, and remains, able to do very little for herself. We still don't know exactly what can be done, medically, for her. It took a very long time to get her any treatment at all as this happened at a time (Thanksgiving to Christmas) when many doctors were on vacation.

Once I had the time to even think about updating here, another problem arose which was that my internet connection failed. I called the provider (the local telephone co-op) and got service restored but before I could turn around it had gone out again and efforts to resolve that situation became very frustrating, very fast. Finally, I decided to give up on the old service and give a satellite internet provider a try which took time to set up, schedule, install and all of that. Once that was done, I had service in the library but not my office and I had to order a booster to get signal where I needed it and finally had to have my computer-tech sister get that set up and working, which ended up taking a while itself because she was not able to get it to work and had to go ask some other experts and come down the following week before everything was finally up and running. That was yesterday (or the day before yesterday by the time this goes up probably). So, that is my explanation for my long absence.

Now, as I mentioned, not everything has been resolved and things cannot just go back to business as usual. I now have much more demands on my time than I did before and would not be able to post as often as I had been even if I wanted to. There may not even be a reason to as I may no longer have any readers (it would certainly be understandable). So, all I can say for right now is that I have not gone anywhere, I will probably be posting in the future but it will necessarily be much more infrequent than before. I do still feel as though I should work out the dilemma that caused my original absence which I have yet to do. So, that is all for now and for anyone who is still checking in and reads this, I thank you for your patience and especially thank those who did not choose to think the worse of me for my absence.
Until next time,
stay "mad" my friends.


  1. Sending warm wishes to you and your family at this difficult time MM. I'm terribly sorry to hear about your mother and hope she's well at the moment. I have no doubt your readers are continuing to check in and looking forward to future posts.

    Duchess Kate Blog

  2. My prayers go to your mother, your family and you, MM. Glad that you could return to the fray.

  3. Internet leftists were trying to shut you down, my friend. Fiercely republican Internet leftists who want no opposition to their type of thinking.

  4. As a monarchist, you have an inalienable right to your type of thinking. I have a feeling someone was trying to shut you down and I can trace it to a source. Fiercely republican leftists were employed at the telephone co-op. They tried to block you from your account because they want no opposing political beliefs to liberal democratic republics on the Internet.

  5. Sending up prayers for you and your family! As I have said to other bloggers who have considered giving up their blogs (or felt excessively guilty) when crises or demands in their lives drew them away: If keeping the blog updated is too stressful, by all means, take a break, write less frequently. Don't let the blog (or your readers) make your life even more difficult. If writing the blog brings you joy, you will come back to it. And, if we your readers, enjoy reading it, we will be here every time you do. Best wishes.
    Cheryl Ciucevich
    Princess Palace Blog
    Royal Blog Central

  6. Best wishes for you and your family, from Brazil

  7. Very sorry to hear about your Mother. Of course your obligations to her & your family come first.

  8. I am very sorry to hear of your problems, especially those relating to your mother's health. Prayers for you and yours...

  9. Your readers are still here, sir. I have the same blog struggles myself and have neglected posting far longer than I would like. I take comfort in remembering that we do not do this for money, but because we believe in the kind of honor and beauty that this modernist world has long forgotten.

    Lastly, cherish your mother and the remaining time with her. My mother died four months ago. I would hate to think that I had neglected spending time with her in favor of writing blog posts. Fortunately, that is not the case.

    Best wishes to you, sir, and please accept my deepest appreciation for all you've done for the cause of monarchy.

  10. I'm still here to read your work, MM. I will keep your mother in my prayers and if it means anything, I can certainly sympathise with your feelings on continuing to try to promote Monarchism through this means.

    In the words of a friend, our words do more than we think, and sometimes merely being present is enough to make the difference. Something to think about.

  11. I give my deepest condolences for what has happened to your mother. I shall pray for her, just as I pray for you and your cause every day. I don't know if it means much, but I never thought any less of you for being absent. If anything, I thought more of you, as I was far more concerned with your health and well being than with how long you had gone without updating. I don't even remember when I started, but I now pray for you and everyone here every single day now, just as I pray for the great and noble cause we all support. When I wake up in the morning, and before I go to bed at night, you, your family, your allies, and our cause are one of the first things I pray for, and I will continue to do so for as long as I shall live. God bless you, your family, and everyone here. God Bless the cause of Monarchism, and God bless the King of the Monarchists, you, your Madness. May God be with us all in our struggle.

  12. Prayers for your mother and entire family.

    Prior to you your blog, I was a theoretical monarchist and didn't even know it. I have morphed into a Monarchist largely because of the information you have put forth and further reading and research. So thank you and I wish you well with whatever is your decision.

  13. Prayers are ascending for you and your family. For its worth, I am still reading too.

  14. My prayers are with you and your family. I look forward to reading your next piece of work or listening to your next video on Youtube. Which ever comes first.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I kept checking your blog for updates almost every day, so it is great to see you're back! I hope your mother will get well soon. May God bless you and your family!

  17. Please make a post explaining your dilemma.

  18. I so pray that your mother heals, and I'm sorry for what happened. Rest assured, people still want to hear from you, however, at the same time, don't feel compelled to do more than you can. God bless!

  19. I will put your mother on my prayer list, pray for "Mad Monarchist's Mom." I think your blog is very unique and I hope you don't stop posting, but I understand frustration with the state of things.

  20. i will pray many times each day hopeing she will live and i will i will pray many times each day hopeing all your problems go away i will always wait for you take your time im glad your not gone

  21. I very much apologize for being impatient with you. I should have been more charitable--I admit to suffering from certain vices--but real life always comes first.

    It seems you didn't post my comment on your previous blog entry--whatever the reason, I own up to what I said even though others won't read it, and I apologize and ask your forgiveness.

    And I will pray for your mother and the family. God bless you and be with you all.

  22. I wish your mother's health will be better soon, amen. I never stopped following you, whatever in Twitter or here reading articles you have written. Your god-given talent and staunch monarchist position definitely can't be ignored and that's why there are so many comments wishing you and your family the best and still following the blog even after many months!

  23. "...things cannot just go back to business as usual."

    I've been meaning to ask something for a while now (and in fact may have asked before and forgot about it): Have you ever considered using some of your articles to write a book?

    You already have a dedicated fan base to expand on and your writings are interesting. And obviously most of the book's content is already written. All I know is that I'd love to have a physical copy of some of your work.

    You also have a number of publishing options. The traditional route of finding a publisher interested in your work, self-publishing with money raised via Kickstarter or similar service, or e-book collection.

  24. Hope you and your mother feel better soon, very happy to see you have returned and look forward to more enlightening posts.

    Best wishes

  25. Prayers for you and your mother. I was worried you had quit!

  26. I am very sorry to hear about what happened to your mother and I hope and pray that she will recover.

    I also want to thank you for taking the time to explain the reason for your absence, and I am very glad to hear that it was not the end of the mad monarchist as many (including myself) feared.

    I wish you the best, and I look forward to future posts that you will create.

    -A Romanian monarchist in the 21st century

  27. Glad to see you back. My sympathies to your mother.

  28. Prayers ascending for your family - stay strong, MM. We've got your back.

    As for your internal dilemmas, I think every Monarchist and Traditionalist is having them now. We would be lying if we said we weren't or never had.

    I run my own corner of the internet but I've realized I'm not doing at all what I wanted to do. I've become intensely more focused on sharing my beliefs and getting people to appreciate them, if nothing else. I'm pursuing career choices and making decisions regarding my own homeland that will enable me I hope to better help Monarchism and Traditionalism.

  29. It cannot be said enough, I send prayers and best wishes to you, your family and your dear mother.

    I do hope with my wicked selfishness,however, that you do not stop blogging. I love your work and it is a fantastic supplement to my own forays into history. Your mother will always come first but I do look forward to more words from you.

  30. I checked your site every week or two to see if you've come back and I'm very happy to see that you're posting again. I'm very sorry to hear about your mother; I hope this improves. Please know that there are people who are deeply appreciative for all that you do.

  31. Glad you are back! Prayers going out for your mother!

  32. Glad you are back!I hope your mother gets better!!

  33. Wonderful. The good things you love to share are appreciated.Nil desperandum. Thank you for not declaring a strike.

  34. MM, I am so sorry to hear about your mother, I will be praying for her and your family and hope for a speedy recovery.

    I really missed your articles and checked every week to see if you we back. It was like losing a really good friend and not knowing why. Thank you for letting us know what happened and to quote Freidreich Wilhelm von Gänserichburg "God bless you, your family, and everyone here. God Bless the cause of Monarchism, and God bless the King of the Monarchists, you, your Madness. May God be with us all in our struggle." :-)

  35. Somehow I only just saw this now. Am glad you are back and assure you of my prayers for your mother. All best wishes and please do continue to fight the good fight.

  36. I am very sorry to hear about what happened. I will pray for you and your mother. Know that you were missed but I completely understand the reasons why. If you are unable to be as active as before it is OK. Do only what you are you are able.

  37. Glad you're back! You were missed. Comments to follow later on a couple of the new articles. And prayers for your Mother's health and for your family.

  38. Fantastic to see you back at the helm, MM. I am sorry to hear that you and your family have been going through such a rough patch recently, and will be keeping you and your mother in my thoughts. Don't worry, your reader base is more loyal than you realise; we're monarchists, after all. Loyalty is something we're good at.

  39. "I was, however, unable to access my blog or anything other than what I could do on my mobile."

    There is a function which allows to send a text to blog (on blogger), from whatever email you prefer.

    If such a situation should arise again.

    But perhaps even a long mail would have been unfeasible?

  40. Best wishes for your mother!

    Your last post today was how I realised you were back, and it was a very good surprise!

  41. You're alive you're alive you're alive! With that being said. My deepest regards to you and your family. I have missed, a lot what you do, even when I disagree with you. I love your work and your passion for monarchism and missed it darn much! As you can see you have not lost a lot of your readers. I've been checking from time and again to see if you posted. Keep posting when you can, keep fighting for what you believe fellow monarchist.

  42. I'm truly sorry to hear about what happened with your mother. I must admit though, I did wonder if you not posting was because you'd simply gone on hiatus due to the negative feedback you mention receiving from any and all quarters (I don't have a twitter account). But I am once again glad that you are posting again, I particularly enjoy your observances of contemporary politico-economic situations.

    Wishing you and yours the strength to deal with your mother's health problems.

    PS: Is it possible that I could get your email address? I would like to ask your opinion about some things.

