
Tuesday, July 1, 2014

MM Videos: The Politically Incorrect Truth About the Russian Revolution


  1. And not to worry; these are all I have at the moment and no more are currently being planned. I know my videos are not terribly popular but I had thought about doing this one in the beginning, numerous people asked me to do a 'PIC Truth' video on the Russian Revolution, so I did. It's not a regular thing, don't get upset.

  2. I actually enjoy your videos. I don't know why they're unpopular. It takes time being comfortable in front of the camera or recording to be sure, but the only way to get better is to do more.

  3. Just one more who enjoys your videos are good (at least I liked these and the earlier about the French Revolution; have yet to watch the rest). As I am always keen to extend my reading, may I beg for some of the sources?

  4. Prof. Sutton also spoke about the truth of the Russian Revolution and how the Czar was in the process of modernizing Russia until the war broke out and the Bolsheviks took over while being financed by the Fed hear in the US and other banking families. Rep. McFadden talked about this to congress and said that Marxism would have failed if it was not being financed by the Fed here in the US. The Czar should have also stayed out of WWI and executed the traitors rather than exile them.

  5. The Czar was pressured into WWI by his "allies" Britain & France, and by his own Russian generals who demanded that he support his Slavic brothers in Serbia. As for the Revolution, since recent investigations revealed that Rasputin was actually killed by a British agent, I am inclined to believe that Britain & France helped to organize the Revolution, possibly because Nicholas had been approached by the Germans who desperately wanted Russia out of the war, and were willing to settle with Russia on Russia's terms- something which was very attractive to Nicholas, as he wanted to stop the killing, take Russia out of the War, and gain some territory at the same time. Britain & France on the other hand desperately needed Russia to stay in the War to stop German troops being reassigned to the Western Front to kill Allied troops.
