
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Favorite Royal Images: A Future Emperor

HIH Prince Hisahito, future Emperor of Japan
and just a cute little guy too


  1. A..dor..a..ble.

    I remember cheering when his birth was announced! So happy for the Imperial Family.

    1. I still get annoyed that some people try to make this a "team" thing, they like Princess Aiko and act ugly toward Prince Hisahito, I like them both and was very glad when the little prince was born, both for the sake of tradition and because, let's be honest, I think anything that takes pressure off the Crown Princess is a good thing. And Prince Hisahito has good parents, two smart and protective big sisters and I'm sure he will be a great emperor when his time comes.

  2. Tradition. Exactly. And I think alot of pressure has also been to bear upon Princess Aiko. Like she's the second coming of a new modern monarchy.

    While not bad in theory, I like tradition. I like that some countries (Sweden for one) have elected to have non-primogenture rights. But I am disappointed in England's turn, while at the same time recognizing that it probably needs to be done eventually.

    But Japan is so steeped in traditions that Westerners do not comprehend, that I saw the possible change with sadness. And Prince Hisahito's parents have largely kept him and themselves out of the media spotlight, which I think is a point in their favor while he's still so young.

    1. For me, it also involves my view (and the traditional view in most parts of the world) on marriage. When a woman marries, she joins the family of her husband. In Europe this is a concern but even moreso in Japan which, unlike Europe (or China for that matter) has no history of changing dynasties. I suppose in Europe it is the motivation behind such changes I have a problem with but in Japan it is something more fundamental. There is *the* Imperial Family and that's all.
