
Sunday, October 23, 2011

Video: Prince Hans-Adam II Extensive Interview on Politics

HSH Prince Hans-Adam II on "Uncommon Knowledge" at the Hoover Institute discusses Liechtenstein's economic success, problems in Europe, America, Russia and China as well as talking about the benefits of free markets and localized self-government in opposition to top-heavy welfare states. Take some time and have a listen to the Prince of Liechtenstein:


  1. I didn't quite like his abandonment of divine right and his embracing of democracy. "Getting rid of it all" doesn't seem like a wise policy concerning history. It's a very important issue monarchists (we're generally an undemocratic bunch over here) have to deal with: the monarchs themselves, and what they fancy.
    I did like his condemnation of the welfare state and his ideas on the role of the state. Also his ideas on restricting immigration seem better than in most European countries.

  2. Legitimacy not through religion but through democracy? So does that mean if the people decided they didn't want a monarchy with a refurendum, the monarchy would cease to exist? I'm sorry, but this worries me a bit...

  3. I winced at those moments myself, however, everyone here should be experienced enough and grown up enough to know that he *has* to say that stuff. And yes, a referendum could get rid of the monarchy, in the constitution the prince recently pushed through specifically added that provision while also granting him more power.

    As much as I don't like it, I should also add that this is not all that "revolutionary" (to use a dirty word). When monarchy was upheld for religious reasons it was when Europe was religious -which, unfortunately, it no longer is. In this case, the Prince can also afford to say such things knowing full well that without the monarchy Liechtenstein would effectively be "out of business".

  4. For anyone who hasn't read the prince's book yet, I highly recommend it. This interview really doesn't do justice to his theories, I would say he's easily the most brilliant political scientist living today.

    While the model he describes might on the surface seem more suited to a republic than a monarchy, it works in Liechtenstein due to a combination of the country's small size and the overwhelming public support for the House of Liechtenstein, which pretty well guarantees that no republic referendum will ever happen.

    His main thought is that governments should not take their citizens and territories for granted, but that they should have to compete for citizens and territory on the free market with other governments. Small political divisions like municipalities or counties should have the right to succeed if dissatisfied and join whatever other country they feel would serve them better.

    Its pretty radical, and hasn't been (and isn't likely to be) implemented anywhere but Liechtenstein, but you have to admit, it would do a great job of suitably humbling the professional political class and keeping them on their toes.

  5. He is probably the monarch with the vastest power in today's Europe, yet I still can notice his liberal tinge; after all he is the only European Monarch with a black daughter in law.
